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Cisco IOS IP SLAs sends data across the network to measure performance between multiple network locations or across multiple network paths. It simulates network data and IP services and collects network performance information in real time. Cisco IOS IP SLAs generates and analyzes traffic either between Cisco IOS devices or from a Cisco IOS device to a remote IP device such as a network application server.
Because Cisco IP SLAs is Layer 2 transport independent, you can configure end-to-end operations over disparate networks to best reflect the metrics that an end user is likely to experience. IP SLAs collects a unique subset of these performance metrics:
•Delay (both round-trip and one-way)
•Jitter (directional)
•Packet loss (directional)
•Packet sequencing (packet ordering)
•Path (per hop)
•Connectivity (directional)
•Server or website download time